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Plant DNA C-values Database

Release History

Plant C-values Database
Angiosperm C-values Database
Gymnosperm C-values Database
Bryophyte C-values Database
Pteridophyte C-values Database
Algae C-values Database

Plant DNA C-values Database

Release 7.1 (Apr 2019)

C-values for 12,273 species comprising 10,770 angiosperms, 421 gymnosperms, 303 pteridophytes, 334 bryophytes and 445 algae.

Citation information: Leitch IJ, Johnston E, Pellicer J, Hidalgo O, Bennett MD 2019. Plant DNA C-values Database (Release 7.1)

Release 7.0 (Apr 2019)

C-values for 12,271 species comprising 10,768 angiosperms, 421 gymnosperms, 334 pteridophytes, 334 bryophytes and 445 algae.

Citation information: Leitch IJ, Johnston E, Pellicer J, Hidalgo O, Bennett MD 2019. Plant DNA C-values Database (Release 7.0)

Release 6.0 (Dec 2012)

C-values for 8510 species comprising 7542 angiosperms, 355 gymnosperms, 128 pteridophytes, 232 bryophytes and 253 algae.

Citation information: Bennett MD and Leitch IJ 2012. Plant DNA C-values Database (Release 6.0)

Release 5.0 (Dec 2010)

C-values for 7058 species comprising 6287 angiosperms, 204 gymnosperms, 82 pteridophytes, 232 bryophytes and 253 algae.

Citation information: Bennett MD and Leitch IJ 2010. Plant DNA C-values Database (Release 5.0)

Release 4.0 (Oct 2005)

C-values for 5150 species comprising 4427 angiosperms, 207 gymnosperms, 87 pteridophytes, 176 bryophytes and 253 algae.

Citation information: Bennett MD and Leitch IJ 2005. Plant DNA C-values Database (Release 4.0)

Release 3.0 (Dec 2004)

C-values for 4842 species comprising 4119 angiosperms, 207 gymnosperms, 87 pteridophytes, 176 bryophytes and 253 algae.

Citation information: Bennett MD and Leitch IJ 2004. Plant DNA C-values Database (Release 3.0)

Release 2.0 (Jan 2003)

C-values for 3927 species comprising 3493 angiosperms, 181 gymnosperms, 82 pteridophytes and 171 bryophytes.

Citation information: Bennett MD and Leitch IJ 2003. Plant DNA C-values Database (Release 2.0)

Release 1.0 (Sep 2001)

C-values for 3864 species comprising 3493 angiosperms, 152 gymnosperms, 48 pteridophytes and 171 bryophytes.

Citation information: Bennett MD and Leitch IJ 2001. Plant DNA C-values Database (Release 1.0)

Angiosperm DNA C-values Database

Release 9.0 (Apr 2019)

C-values for 10,770 angiosperm species taken from 900 original references.

Citation information: Leitch IJ, Johnston E, Pellicer J, Hidalgo O, Bennett MD 2019. Angiosperm DNA C-values Database (Release 9.0)

Release 8.0 (Dec 2012)

C-values for 7542 angiosperm species taken from 695 original references

Citation information: Bennett MD and Leitch IJ 2012. Angiosperm DNA C-values Database (Release 8.0)

Release 7.0 (Dec 2010)

C-values for 6287 angiosperm species taken from 617 original references

Citation information: Bennett MD and Leitch IJ 2010. Angiosperm DNA C-values Database (Release 7.0)

Release 6.0 (Oct 2005)

C-values for 4427 angiosperm species taken from 466 original references

Citation information: Bennett MD and Leitch IJ 2005. Angiosperm DNA C-values Database (Release 6.0)

Release 5.0 (Dec 2004)

C-values for 4119 angiosperm species taken from 465 original references

Citation information: Bennett MD and Leitch IJ 2004. Angiosperm DNA C-values Database (Release 5.0)

Release 4.0 (Jan 2003)

As for release 3.0 but with new systematic data and link to reference sources of original DNA C-values data

Citation information: Bennett MD and Leitch IJ 2003. Angiosperm DNA C-values Database (Release 4.0)

Release 3.1 (Sep 2001)

As for release 3.0 but with new wild card searching facility.

Citation information: Bennett MD and Leitch IJ 2001. Angiosperm DNA C-values Database (Release 3.1)

Release 3.0 (Dec 2000)

Contains C-values for 3493 angiosperm species from 377 original references.

Citation information: Bennett MD, Cox AV and Leitch IJ 2000. Angiosperm DNA C-values Database (Release 3.0)

Release 2.0 (Oct 1998)

C-values for 2802 angiosperm species from 306 original references.

Citation information: Bennett MD, Cox AV and Leitch IJ 1998. Angiosperm DNA C-values Database (Release 2.0)

Release 1.0 (Apr 1997)

4000 C-values for 2802 angiosperm species from 306 original references.

Citation information: Bennett MD, Cox AV and Leitch IJ 1997. Angiosperm DNA C-values Database (Release 1.0)

Gymnosperm DNA C-values Database

Release 6.0 (Apr 2019)

C-values for 421 gymnosperm species taken from 54 original references.

Citation information: Leitch IJ, Johnston E, Pellicer J, Hidalgo O, Bennett MD 2019. Gymnosperm DNA C-values Database (Release 6.0)

Release 5.0 (Dec 2012)

C-values for 355 gymnosperm species from 48 original references.

Citation information: Murray BG, Leitch IJ and Bennett MD 2012. Gymnosperm DNA C-values Database (Release 5.0)

Release 4.0 (Dec 2010)

C-values for 204 gymnosperm species from 41 original references.

Citation information: Murray BG, Leitch IJ and Bennett MD 2010. Gymnosperm DNA C-values Database (Release 4.0)

Release 3.0 (Dec 2004)

C-values for 207 gymnosperm species from 36 original references.

Citation information: Murray BG, Leitch IJ and Bennett MD 2004. Gymnosperm DNA C-values Database (Release 3.0)

Release 2.0 (Jan 2003)

C-values for 181 gymnosperm species from 31 original references, with links to reference sources of original DNA C-values data.

Citation information: Murray BG, Leitch IJ and Bennett MD 2003. Gymnosperm DNA C-values Database (Release 2.0)

Release 1.0 (Sep 2001)

C-values for 152 gymnosperm species from 28 original references.

Citation information: Murray BG, Leitch IJ and Bennett MD 2001. Gymnosperm DNA C-values Database (Release 1.0)

Bryophyte DNA C-values Database

Release 4.0 (Apr 2019)

C-values for 334 bryophyte species taken from 12 original references.

Citation information: Leitch IJ, Johnston E, Pellicer J, Hidalgo O, Bennett MD 2019. Bryophyte DNA C-values Database (Release 4.0)

Release 3.0 (Dec 2010)

C-values for 232 bryophyte species from 7 original references.

Citation information: Greilhuber J, Leitch IJ and Bennett MD 2010. Bryophyte DNA C-values Database (Release 3.0)

Release 2.0 (Dec 2004)

C-values for 176 bryophyte species from 3 original references.

Citation information: Greilhuber J, Leitch IJ and Bennett MD 2004. Bryophyte DNA C-values Database (Release 2.0)

Release 1.1 (Jan 2003)

As for release 1.0 but with new link to reference sources of original DNA C-value data

Citation information: Greilhuber J, Obermayer R, Leitch IJ, and Bennett MD 2003. Bryophyte DNA C-values Database (Release 1.1)

Release 1.0 (Sep 2001)

C-values for 171 bryophyte species from 2 original references.

Citation information: Greilhuber J, Obermayer R, Leitch IJ and Bennett MD 2001. Bryophyte DNA C-values Database (Release 1.0)

Pteridophyte DNA C-values Database

Release 6.0 (Apr 2019)

C-values for 334 pteridophyte species taken from 34 original references.

Citation information: Leitch IJ, Johnston E, Pellicer J, Hidalgo O, Bennett MD 2019. Pteridophyte DNA C-values Database (Release 6.0)

Release 5.0 (Dec 2012)

C-values for 128 pteridophyte species comprising 27 lycophytes and 101 monilophytes (= ferns, whisk ferns and horsetails) from 21 original references.

Citation information: Bennett MD and Leitch IJ 2012. Pteridophyte DNA C-values Database (Release 5.0)

Release 4.0 (Dec 2010)

C-values for 82 pteridophyte species from 16 original references.

Citation information: Bennett MD and Leitch IJ 2010. Pteridophyte DNA C-values Database (Release 4.0)

Release 3.0 (Dec 2004)

C-values for 87 pteridophyte species from 12 original references.

Citation information: Bennett MD and Leitch IJ 2004. Pteridophyte DNA C-values Database (Release 3.0)

Release 2.0 (Jan 2003)

C-values for 82 pteridophyte species from 10 original references, and links to reference sources of original DNA C-values data.

Citation information: Bennett MD and Leitch IJ 2003. Pteridophyte DNA C-values Database (Release 2.0)

Release 1.1 (Sep 2001)

As for release 1.0 but with new wild card searching facility.

Citation information: Bennett MD and Leitch IJ 2001. Pteridophyte DNA C-values Database (Release 1.1)

Release 1.0 (Dec 2000)

C-values for 48 pteridophyte species from 8 original references.

Citation information: Bennett MD and Leitch IJ 2000. Pteridophyte DNA C-values Database (Release 1.0)

Algae DNA C-values Database

Release 2.0 (Apr 2019)

C-values for 445 algae species taken from 67 original references.

Citation information: Leitch IJ, Johnston E, Pellicer J, Hidalgo O, Bennett MD 2019. Algae DNA C-values Database (Release 2.0)

Release 1.0 (Dec 2004)

C-values for 253 algal species from 37 original references.

Citation information: Kapraun DF, Leitch IJ and Bennett MD 2004. Algae DNA C-values Database (Release 1.0)